Lender Partners

Financial Qualification for Your Next Home: Reputable Lender Partners
One of the first steps in working with the Red Hawk Property Team powered by JLA Realty, if you’re financing your home purchase rather than paying cash, is to connect with a reputable lender to get pre-qualified. Understanding your buying power allows you to focus on homes within your budget. Plus, including a pre-qualification letter from your lender with your offer can make it more compelling to sellers.

Ava Morrison, Loan Officer
New American Funding
Mobile: 936-499-0744
Email: ava.morrison@nafinc.com
Visit My Website

Daniel Hardy
Life Changing Lending | Axen Mortgage
Mobile: 210-323-8472
Email: daniel@lifechanginglending.com
Visit My Website

David Clark, Mortgage Loan Orginator
Motto Mortgage
Mobile: 281-748-4585
Email: david.clark@mottomortgage.com
Visit My Website

Gary Warstler, Executive Loan Officer
Rocket Mortgage
Mobile: 713-387-9873
Email: GaryWarstler@rocketmortgage.com
Visit My Website

Jason Smith, Loan Officer
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
Mobile: 602-489-1961
Email: jason.smith@fairwaymc.com
Visit My Website

Jeff Shealey, Senior Loan Consultant
HMA Mortgage
Mobile: 832-867-6747
Email: JShealey@HMAMortgage.com
Visit My Website

Jennifer Rader, Loan Consultant
New American Funding
Mobile: 281-224-2976
Email: jennifer.rader@nafinc.com
Visit My Website

Kristi Hernandez, Loan Consultant
New American Funding
Mobile: 832-331-1685
Email: kristi.hernandez@nafinc.com
Visit My Website

Tonette Pipkins, Loan Orginator
NRL Mortgage
Mobile: 832-709-1707
Email: tonette.pipkins@nrlmortgage.com
Visit My Website
Disclaimer: The Red Hawk Property Team powered by JLA Realty is not responsible for the actions, decisions, or conduct of any individuals or entities listed on this page. Users are strongly encouraged to perform their own due diligence, including conducting interviews and reviewing references, prior to engaging with any person or service provider. This list is not exhaustive and may not include all available options. Please use this information at your own discretion.